General Motor Terms & Conditions

The Proposer and Named Drivers:

  • Have been resident and working in Ireland / Uk for the past 3 years
  • Have not been refused insurance, or renewal of insurance or had special terms or conditions imposed by an insurer
  • Have no convictions for any motor offence in the past 5 years and no pending prosecutions
  • Have not been disqualified from driving and have not been involved in any accident/loss and have not had any claims against them in the past 5 years
  • Have no notable medical conditions
  • I am the registered owner and the car is registered in Ireland

The Car:

  • Is not imported, left hand driver, adapted or modified in any way

The Proposer:

  • Will be contacted by via email with their quote details during the quote process
  • May be contacted by us via email after the quote process and may unsubscribe at any stage by replying to the received email indicated so
Please note: If you cannot comply with all of these assumptions please contact us directly.

By checking the box below I am confirming I have met all the driving and vehicle requirements in the above assumptions and that all information supplied and/or any future information provided will form the basis of the contract between us and yourself.

I have read and I accept The Privacy Statement and the Terms of Business.

I have read and accept the Duty of Disclosure

I have read and accept the above assumptions